We have a few ideas brewing for our web presence. Here are a few sketches for the feel of the site...

Site Layout 1.Both these files have the same layout. Here are the ideas behind this home page layout.
Logo Top LeftA set of skis and the name and size - I see this randomly selecting and display the skis from an ever growing list - link to ski detail pageMiddle text - this middle column can be dedicated to intro copy - call to action with link or site navigationRight side - Featured movie goes here and the site has a movie archive. Grace skis in actionThere are three boxes on the bottom that will each be dedicated to a Call to Action. Something that you want people to do - buy swag, register for an event, see a new ski design, join facebook, new blog post, whatever - these can be changed easily
I see the site navigation being either along the top of the site or in the same area as the Middle Text.
Here is the first set of branding ideas for the site.
grace_homepage.jpg - nothing really more than adapting your current blog branding to the new site layout
grace_homepage2.jpg - The background of the site in one of our photos of our local area. each photo has its own caption, a la the Patagonia catalog. Really go personal and local with the content and the site. Each time you come to the site, there is a new backgroud image. Keeping it fresh. Same basic gig with all images - blue sky, white snow, shining sun, pillowy trees, wind off the mtns, etc. - All images will work with the brand and will span the site, no matter how wide a monitor. This site brand is largely photographs, with the boxes of content on top, sized and placed as necessary. The left side will always have the logo and a set of skis.
I like the 2nd one with the photo background.