March 19, 2011


At Grace Skis we usually use the pronoun "WE" in posts. This time it is going to be an "I". I screwed up the last few months by not following through with an important issue. You know how you feel this wonderful sense of relief and accomplishment when you finish a project that you are not really looking forward to doing. Something that needs to be done, but that is not very fun? Something that can be put off and off and off.
A few things come to mind----Changing the fluid in the rear differential. Tearing out the old carpet and putting in hard-wood flooring. Sending a letter to a friend. I didn't send a letter to a friend. This letter isn't an ordinary letter, it is a thank you letter of sorts. I didn't do it. I take full responsibility yet have no explanation as to why I didn't write it, sign it and send it. It came down to a poetic nudge from the letters recipient to make it happen this morning. It is sent, way to late for my conscience, but it is sent!

Long story short, I use the pronoun "We" for this very reason. No one gets through this life alone and without help. One never accomplishes anything without support from their respective past. There isn't an original thought. One might want credit for what other perceive as original thought. I was reminded today, "WE" is always the better pronoun. Unless of course "We" screw up, then it is "I". I screwed up.

Thanks Doug.

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