We had a week full of a steep learning curve. We learned two new programs that communicate with a CNC machine. This 10 hour investment was worth every frustrating second. What took essentially the better part of a day Monday took an hour today. Tomorrow it will take 15 minutes. We had a few pitfalls in outcome as we attempted to CNC base material to a .007" tolerance. The end result will be perfect bases duplicated in minutes. The bit was not well chosen and the vacuum table didn't hold well enough. Easy fixes moving forward. A better bit and a dedicated "table" will fix the problems. We have 3 sets of bases (albeit not perfect) and a perfect mold ready for a run on Kylie 196s. Dave, Steve, and Ramon will be happy to test. We also have 2 Kylie 186 cores ready for profiling as well and 1 166. Random but we have our reasons.
Major progress and all under budget...
We also determined a stainless steel tip and tail would be best, as well as look sweet. With the new technology we can profile stainless and pocket mill the tip and tail details to accept the base inside the ski. Rock on..
Don't forget about laser cutting left over base material, what is usually in the landfill becomes usable!! We hate waist
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