I used to dig Smartwool. matter of fact I have a pair from 1997 that are worn through and I still wear them. They make (made) an outstanding sock as far as I am concerned. Since I am concerned I no longer think Smartwool is worth inserting my pinkie toe. I came across this ad in Powder on page 093 .(Don't hold it against Powder Mag, they need to pay the bills) If you know me I can be a bit critical, in this case I am just going to point out a few things and let you place those observations on the cool or not scale. You are free to make up your own matrix..

Here is some choice text from the ad:
1. Telemark Skiers, aka "Cookie and Shaggy" (my score is a 5, you can figure out my scale I am sure)
2. It puts distance between you and your next goose bump. (5)
3. Out here, not every goose bump is from the cold. (5)
Thoughts on the photo:
1. Wow Shaggy can really smile (5+1)
2. Where are their beacons? (4)
3. Backpacks? (4)
4. Does Cookie or Shaggy make millions? Does every excursion deserves brand new everything? (5)
I have advice for Smartwool, take that ad and put it in 5280 or Esquire or burn it. When skiers read into this kind of representation they end up seeing through Cookie and Shaggy. I bet Shaggy can really drop a knee and nobody cares if Cookie thinks she is a telemarker.
Hint: Chuck Norris would be a 1, Boy George scores a 5...you do the math.
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