I was "lucky" enough to be let go from my landscape Architecture position 8 weeks ago. I wasn't just let go, I was furloughed. This was an 8 week furlough and it ends Friday. I was to be notified as to my shelve life a week before the end of the "temporary lay-off". As you can probably tell this blog and this process started 8 weeks ago. Thus the term "lucky" is employed instead of unfortunate.
To my point of ODIT (once a day improvement thought)
Keep doing what drives you. If you are not doing what drives you what is the point? Money isn't the point, time isn't the point, respect isn't the point, doing what drives you is the point. life and life's work has to be one in the same. When life and work overlap to the point of the pixels blurring, you are there. So:
Keep doing what drives you, keep the pixels blurred! Always.
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